Education Requirements to Become a School Social Worker

There are many children throughout the country

  • Compassion
  • Ability to establish rapport quickly
  • Attention to detail
  • Listening skills
  • Excellent communication ability
  • Understanding the way in which children view the world

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While some of these traits are inborn abilities, all of them can be learned and developed over the course of one’s studies in Higher Education. Most schools require their School Social Worker to have a minimum of a Master of Social Work, Master of Child Psychology, Master of Counseling or a Master of Childhood Development in order to be considered for employment. You will need to have already earned your Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field in order to be accepted into a Master’s program. Any behavioral science Bachelor’s may suffice, however most Master’s programs are looking for candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in the same discipline as the Master’s program the student is applying to. We have a wealth of information about potential MSW programs.

School Social Workers help students who have difficulties in school due to emotional and behavioral problems they are unable to resolve by themselves. The job of the School Social Worker is to help these children get to the root of their emotional and behavioral problems and find a new way forward.

Some states also require that School Social Workers also have Social Work licensure which requires an MSW degree as well as meeting other state requirements for licensure which you can learn about by clicking on the name of your state.