Licensed Social Worker

Find a School offering LSW Degrees. These can be online or campus programs.

In the realm of Clinical Social Work there are a wide variety of state requirements for different levels of licensure which are designated with different titles. The Licensed Social Worker is a title designation of a number of states and denotes the ability to practice at a specific level of Clinical Social Work. This means you will have access to a certain number of therapeutic methods of mental health counseling you can apply as well as groups you can work with as designated by your state board of Clinical Social Workers.

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Education Requirements To Become a Licensed Social Worker

In order to gain the licensure title of Licensed Social Worker you will need to have your Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited program. In order to achieve entry into most MSW programs you will need to have your Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree or in some cases a related degree like Psychology, Sociology, Counseling or Human Services although the BSW is generally preferred.

You will also want to look for MSW programs with a degree concentration in Clinical Social Work as this will provide you with the best skillset to apply once you are licensed. You can learn about MSW programs in your state by clicking on the name of your state next to the map you can find at the bottom of the page here. Different states will have varying requirements for licensure so you will want to learn about your state’s requirements by clicking on your states name next to the map on our home page.