
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in Connecticut

Connecticut has a certified Substance Abuse Counselor and Licensed level. The two titles are: the Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) and the Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC). The LADC level requires a Master’s degree in a Behavioral Science if from another state, or a combination of a degree as well as supervised experience.

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For the CADC Level

  • Pass a criminal background check.
  • You are required to have 300 hours of supervised practical training in addiction counseling.
  • You will need three years of supervised work experience working directly with A&D clients.
  • You will need 360 hours of education from an approved source such as a degree from an accredited university. 240 hours of which must be related to addiction counseling.
  • Passing of the International Certification Examination for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Counselors as administered by the IC&RC/AODA.

For the LADC Level

  • Meeting all of the requirements for the CADC level.
  • You must possess a Master’s degree or Ph.D. from an accredited university in a Behavioral Science with a minimum of 18 semester hours at the graduate level in counseling related subjects.
  • 300 hours of supervised practical training in Alcohol and Drug Counseling.
  • Three years of supervised work experience, if you have a Master’s degree or higher this is reduced to two years of supervised work experience.
  • Pass the International Certification Examination for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Counselors as administered by the IC&RC/AODA.

Applying for Certification

  • You are now eligible to apply for certification or licensure with the Department.
  • Apply with the Connecticut Department of Public Health for your title. The application form for either level is found here.