
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in Oklahoma

Oklahoma has two different levels of protected titles for Substance Abuse Counselors. The first level is called the Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor (CADC) and the second level is known as the Licensed Alcohol Drug Counselor (LADC). Each level has its own requirements in terms of educational attainment needed, experience required and testing.

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CADC Requirements

  • You must pass a criminal background check.
  • Beginning 1/1/2012 you are required to have a Master’s Degree in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling or an equivalent degree. These must be earned from a University that is accredited by the US Department of Education or Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
  • You must complete a practicum of 300 hours of supervised professional training in the 12 Core Functions, with 10 hours in each: Screening; Intake; Orientation; Assessment; Treatment Planning; Counseling; Case Management; Crisis Intervention; Client Education; Referral; Reports and Record Keeping; Consultation.
  • Sign the OBLADC code of ethics.
  • You must have a supervision plan and agreement with a supervisor that is approved by the board. You can find the form here.
  • You must have 4000 hours of AODA professional employment with appropriate supervision. 51% of these hours must be direct client contact.
  • You must meet with your supervisor for one hour each week.
  • You must successfully pass the IC&RC ADC Examination.
  • You must have 3 professional references.

LADC Requirements

  • The LADC must meet all the requirements of the CADC above with the following differences:
  • You must successfully pass the IC&RC AADC Examination.
  • You must have 2000 hours of AODA professional employment with appropriate supervision. 51% of these hours must be direct client contact. These must be with the
  • Due to the increased education required for the CADC the only difference in requirements is that of the examination and a lower amount of hours in experience.
  • You can find the CADC application here.