
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in Louisiana

Louisiana has three main levels of certification. The three levels are called the following: Registered Addiction Counselor (RAC), the Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC) and the Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC). The RAC level requires a High School diploma or GED, the CAC requires a Bachelor’s degree and the LAC level requires a Master’s degree in a Behavioral Science.

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For the RAC Level

  • Pass a criminal background check.
  • 6000 hours of clinically supervised work experience completed in a minimum of six months.
  • If you have a Bachelor’s degree you are only required to have 4000 hours.
  • If you have a Master’s degree you are only required to have 2000 hours.
  • 270 total clock hours of education approved by the ADRA. 180 hours of the 270 hours must be specific to substance abuse treatment, 6 hours in professional ethics, with the remaining 84 hours being related.
  • You need a 300 hour practicum working within the 12 Core Functions with at least 20 hours in each function: Screening; Intake; Orientation; Assessment; Treatment Planning; Counseling; Case Management; Crisis Intervention; Client Education; Referral; Reports and Record Keeping; Consultation.
  • You will need direct supervision from a Certified Clinical Supervisor.
  • Pass a national Addiction Counselor examination determined by the Department.
  • You can find the application form here.

For the CAC Level

  • You need a Bachelor’s degree in a behavioral science discipline from a regionally accredited university.
  • You will need 4000 hours of clinically supervised work experience.
  • If you have a Master’s degree you are only required to have 2000 hours.
  • 270 total clock hours of education approved by the ADRA. 180 hours of the 270 hours must be specific to substance abuse treatment, 6 hours in professional ethics, with the remaining 84 hours being related.
  • You need a 300 hour practicum working within the 12 Core Functions with at least 20 hours in each function: Screening; Intake; Orientation; Assessment; Treatment Planning; Counseling; Case Management; Crisis Intervention; Client Education; Referral; Reports and Record Keeping; Consultation.
  • You will need direct supervision from a Certified Clinical Supervisor.
    Pass a national Addiction Counselor examination determined by the Department.
  • You can find the application form here.

For the LAC Level

  • Have a Master’s or Ph.D. in a Behavioral Science discipline from a regionally accredited university.
  • You will need 2000 hours of clinically supervised work experience.
  • 270 total clock hours of education approved by the ADRA. 180 hours of the 270 hours must be specific to substance abuse treatment, 6 hours in professional ethics, with the remaining 84 hours being related.
  • You need a 300 hour practicum working within the 12 Core Functions with at least 20 hours in each function: Screening; Intake; Orientation; Assessment; Treatment Planning; Counseling; Case Management; Crisis Intervention; Client Education; Referral; Reports and Record Keeping; Consultation.
  • You will need direct supervision from a Certified Clinical Supervisor.
  • Pass a national Addiction Counselor examination determined by the Department.
  • You can find the application form here.