Human Services Assistant

The Human Services or Social Services Assistant is a phrase that is used to describe entry level workers in a variety of Human Services capacities. In most cases, the Human Services Assistant will work with a Social Worker, Case Worker, Psychologist or other Human Services Professional in order to provide both direct care and also indirect care. This can take many forms and may carry a variety of job titles such as Human Services Assistant, gerontology aide or various other titles that denote an entry level Human Services worker. Duties for Human Services Assistants can include a wide variety of tasks in the form of direct care, indirect care and frequently administrative support of various kinds. Human Services assistants are frequently a first point of contact with the community and may perform various reception duties in this capacity.

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Some examples of potential duties include:

  • Interviewing clients for basic case information
  • Data entry into various data bases systems
  • Screening for potential eligibility for programs
  • Filing duties
  • Making initial contact and limited interviews with collateral sources
  • Presenting clients with information on community resources
  • Reception duties such as initial client contact and answering the phone
  • Scheduling client face-to-face interviews with senior workers

Human Services Assistant Servicing Others

The Human Services Assistant performs a vital function within the Human Services agency by contributing to smooth workflow in offices. They also act as a conduit for critical information to and from clients and case or eligibility workers. In their reception capacity, the Human Services Assistant will be making a first impression on the client and they begin the process of establishing client agency rapport.

By explaining their organizations process they provide the client with understanding around the way the system functions. In particular, the Human Services Assistant lays the ground work for explaining the expectations of the agency. This in turn helps the client to navigate the system with greater ease. Acting behind the scenes the Human Services Assistant relieves pressure on workers by assisting them with filing, data collection and data entry. This helps to promote an optimal level of worker efficiency and output. By streamlining the process, clients are able to see workers faster and are prepared for their intake procedure.


The Human Services Assistant provides a valuable asset to society by acting as one of the essential mechanisms of Human Services organizations and promotes the efficiency of their agency through their hard work. Society is in great need of smooth functioning Human Services agencies and the Human Services Assistant is a key component of that high level of performance. Without the valuable contribution of the Human Services Assistant many Human Services organizations would virtually grind to a halt. It is difficult to overstate the importance of the Human Services Assistant to their organization.

Education to Join the Workforce

As an entry level position, the Human Services Assistant does not always require a degree. However, in today’s increasingly competitive labor force, having a degree greatly bolsters your chances of getting a job offer.

With a degree and getting your foot in the door of the organization via an entry level position, you can usually rapidly promote. Therefore, it is advisable to have a minimum of an Associate’s degree in Human Services or a highly related field such as Sociology, Psychology or Social Work. A Bachelor’s degree in these same fields is extremely favored by prospective employers and is a great foundation to promote from within an organization.

Earning Potential for Human Services Assistants

While pay varies greatly from state to state, the national median pay can be found on the BLS website. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the Median Pay for a Human Services Assistant is $28,200.

Next Steps

To get started on your path to becoming a Human Services Assistant you will want to consider bolstering your resume with a quality educational background. An Associate’s degree is a good place to start. However, a Bachelor’s degree in Human Services or a highly related field (e.g. Psychology, Social Work, Sociology etc.) will really catch the eye of a potential employer. As a first point of contact occupation that will almost certainly be performing some amount of reception duties, being bilingual or multilingual is also a coveted trait for prospective employers.