
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in Utah

There are three levels of protected titles in Utah for Substance Abuse Counselors. The first title is given to those who are obtaining the experience required to become licensed and is known as Certified Substance Use Disorder Counselor (CSUDC). The first tier of full licensure is called the Substance Use Disorder Counselor (SUDC). The final title is known as the Certified Advanced Substance Use Disorder Counselor (CASUDC). Each level has its own requirements.

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CSUDC Requirements

  • Pass a criminal background check.
  • Possess a High School diploma or GED.
  • Have at least 200 hours of Substance Use Disorder training/education. At least 100 clock hours must be specific to substance abuse and treatment. The remaining 100 hours can be related course in clinical counseling.
  • Complete a 200 hour practicum working within the 12 Core Functions with at least 20 hours in each function: Screening; Intake; Orientation; Assessment; Treatment Planning; Counseling; Case Management; Crisis Intervention; Client Education; Referral; Reports and Record Keeping; Consultation.
  • Sign the Ethical Standards agreement.
  • Pass the written NAADAC National Certification Exam level 1, II or MAC OR pass the IC&RC Alcohol and Drug Counselor or Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor examination.
  • You can find the CSUDC application form here.

SUDC Requirements

  • You must meet all the requirements for CSUDC above as well as the following:
  • Possess a Bachelor’s degree in Substance Use Disorder Counseling from a university accredited by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation.
  • Your degree program must have classes that teach the following subjects: Human Development Across the Lifespan, General Psychology and Human Biology.
  • You must have 2,000 hours of supervised experience in Substance Use Disorder Counseling.
  • You must meet with your supervisor one hour face-to-face for every 40 hours of client contact. Sign the Ethical Standards agreement.
  • Pass the written NAADAC National Certification Exam level 1, II or MAC OR pass the IC&RC Alcohol and Drug Counselor or Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor examination.
  • You can find the application for the SUDC title here.

CASUDC Requirements

  • You must meet all the requirements for CSUDC above as well as the following:
  • Accumulate 12,000 hour of supervised experience in Substance Use Disorder treatment.
  • Pass the Written NAADAC National Certification Exam Level II or MAC; OR pass the written IC&RC AdvancedAlcohol and Drug Examination.
  • You can find the application for the CASUDC here.