
Social Work Licensure in Tennessee

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With the Mississippi River forming its western border and the Appalachian Mountains dominating its eastern side, Tennessee is nestled into the middle of the Southeastern US. Famous for its music including the legendary birthplace of the Blues, Beale street in Memphis all showing Tennessee to have a rich history and culture. In addition to its natural beauty and history, Tennessee is also a great state to start your licensed Social Work career in. It is important to remember that there can always be updates or changes to a state’s rules and regulations. Remember, that the best way to stay informed with current regulations is the state’s website on licensure. Here is the website for the State of Tennessee:

There are four different kinds of social work licenses in Tennessee: Licensed Bachelor Social Worker (LBSW), Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW), Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Licensed Advanced Practice Social Worker (LAPSW).

Do you know your education options? Begin or continue a degree – AS, BS, MSW, MS, PhD, Cert. Online and campus locations. Know your degree choices!

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Licensed Bachelor Social Worker (LBSW)

  • If you wish to attain the title Licensed Bachelor Social Worker (LBSW) in Tennessee, you must first get a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a Council on Social Work Education accredited university or college. You must pass a criminal background check.
  • No field experience is required for this license.
  • You must also pass the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Associate’s Level Exam.
  • To renew your license, you must have successfully completed 18 contact hours (9 hours per year) of continuing education.
  • Learn about The Bachelors Degree in Social Work (BSW)

Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW)

  • If you wish to attain the title Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) in Tennessee, you must first get a Master or Doctorate of Social Work degree from a Council on Social Work Education accredited university or college. You must pass a criminal background check.
  • No field experience is required for this license.
  • Finally, you must pass the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Master’s Level Exam.
  • To renew your license, you must have successfully completed 24 contact hours (12 hours per year) of continuing education.
  • Learn about Tennessee Masters Degree in Social Work (MSW)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)

  • To become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in Tennessee, you must first get your Master or Doctorate of Social Work degree from a Council on Social Work Education accredited university or college. You must pass a criminal background check.
  • Upon applying for your license, you must provide verification of 3,000 hours of non-clinical Social Work practice. This must include 100 supervision hours. You must also complete a mandatory practitioner profile questionnaire and finish a six hour continuing education course for advanced generalist non-clinical supervision.
  • You must then receive a passing score on an Association of Social Workers ASWB Advanced Generalist Level Exam.
  • To renew your license, you must have successfully completed 30 contact hours (15 hours per year) of continuing education.
  • Learn about The Doctorate Degree is Social Work (DSW)

Licensed Advanced Practice Social Worker (LAPSW)

  • If you wish to hold the title of Licensed Advanced Practice Social Worker (LAPSW) in Tennessee, you must first get a Master or Doctorate of Social Work degree from a Council on Social Work Education accredited university or college. You must pass a criminal background check.
  • Upon applying for your license, you must provide verification of 3,000 hours of non-clinical Social Work practice. This must include 100 supervision hours. You must also complete a mandatory practitioner profile questionnaire and finish a six hour continuing education course for advanced generalist non-clinical supervision.
  • Once you have completed and sent in application you may apply with the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) for their Clinical or Advanced Generalist Level exam. Once you pass the test you will be eligible to receive your new Licensed Advanced Practice Social Worker in the state of Tennessee.
  • To renew your license, you must have successfully completed 30 contact hours of continuing education.