
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in Maryland

Maryland has three levels of certification for Substance Abuse Counseling. The first tier is known as the Certified Supervised Counselor Alcohol and Drug Certification (CSC-AD), the second level is known as the Certified Associate Counselor Alcohol and Drug (CAC – AD) and the final level is known as the Certified Professional Counselor Alcohol Drug (CPC-AD).

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For the CSC-AD Level

  • You must pass a criminal background check.
  • An Associate’s Degree in a Counseling field from an accredited University.
  • You must have Maryland approved 15 credit hours of AODA coursework as determined by the board including 1 hour of AD related ethics.
  • 2 years and 2,000 hours of supervised experience in AD treatment. At least one of the years must be after the awarding of your degree.
  • Pass the MAPCB ICRC/AODA exam and State Law Test

For the CAC-AD Level

  • You must pass a criminal background check.
  • A Bachelor’s Degree in a Counseling field from an accredited University.
  • You must have Maryland approved 21 credit hours of AODA coursework as determined by the board including 1 hour of AD related ethics.
  • 3 years and 2,000 hours of supervised experience in AD treatment. At least two of the years must be after the awarding of your degree
  • Pass the MAPCB ICRC/AODA exam and State Law Test

For the CPC-AD Level

  • You must pass a criminal background check.
  • You need at least a Master’s degree in a Behavioral Science from an accredited University or College.
  • You must have Maryland approved 27 credit hours of AODA coursework as determined by the board including 3 hours of AD related ethics.
  • 3 years and 2,000 hours of supervised experience in AD treatment. At least two of the years must be after the awarding of your degree
  • Pass the EMAC (NBCC) and State Law Test