
Social Work Licensure in Kentucky

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Known as the “Bluegrass State” Kentucky is home to a rich culture and history. It is also home to the winningest programs in NCAA basketball history, the legendary Kentucky Wildcats. Whether you love bluegrass music, college hoops, the world famous Kentucky Derby or the beautiful countryside, Kentucky is a gorgeous state to make your home. Kentucky is also a great state to start your career as a Licensed Social Worker. It is important to check in with each state’s Social Work board to get accurate and up to date information on the states licensing process. Here is the website for the State of Kentucky:

Do you know your education options? Begin or continue a degree – AS, BS, MSW, MS, PhD, Cert. Online and campus locations. Know your degree choices!

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Licensed Social Worker (LSW)

  • If you wish to attain the title Licensed Social Worker (LSW) in Kentucky, you must first get a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a Council on Social Work Education accredited university or college.
  • You must apply for your license and pass a criminal background check.. You then need to receive a passing score on an Association of Social Workers ASWB Bachelor Level Exam.
  • To renew your license, you must have successfully completed 15 contact hours of continuing education.
  • Learn about The Bachelors Degree in Social Work (BSW)

Certified Social Worker (CSW)

  • To become a Certified Social Worker (CSW) in Kentucky, you must first get your Master of Social Work degree from a Council on Social Work Education accredited university or college.
  • Then you will need to receive a passing score on an Association of Social Workers ASWB Master Level Exam.
  • To renew your license, you must have successfully completed 30 contact hours of continuing education.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)

  • If you wish to hold the title of Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in Kentucky, you must first get a Master or Doctorate of Social Work degree from a Council on Social Work Education accredited university or college.
  • You must provide verification of at least 200 hours of clinical professional experience under an approved supervision plan to apply for your LCSW title. The 200 hours must include at least two hours of supervision for every two weeks of clinical practice. 100 of the hours must be in the form of face-to-face supervision.
  • Once you have completed and sent in your application you may apply with the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) for their Clinical Level test. Once you pass the test you will be eligible to receive your new title of Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Kentucky.
  • To renew your license, you must have successfully completed 30 contact hours of continuing education.