
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in Texas

In Texas there are two levels of protected titles for those practicing as Substance Abuse Counselors. The first level is the internship level which allows you to obtain the experience you need to become fully licensed and is known as the Counselor Intern (CI). Once you have the necessary experience you can apply to become a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC).

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Texas Counselor Intern (CI) Requirements

  • Pass a criminal background check.
  • Possess a High School diploma or GED.
  • Have at least 270 hours of Chemical Dependency training/education. At least 135 clock hours must be specific to substance abuse and treatment. The remaining 135 hours can be related course in clinical counseling.
  • Complete a 300 hour practicum working within the 12 Core Functions with at least 20 hours in each function: Screening; Intake; Orientation; Assessment; Treatment Planning; Counseling; Case Management; Crisis Intervention;Client Education; Referral; Reports and Record Keeping; Consultation.
  • Sign the Ethical Standards agreement.
  • You can find the application form to become a Counselor Intern (CI) here.

Texas LCDC Requirements

  • You must pass the CI requirements above.
  • You must have at least an Associate’s degree in Chemical Dependency Counseling from a regionally accredited university.
  • You are required to have 4,000 hours of supervised work experience under the supervision of an LCDC with a current active license in Texas.
  • This experience must be within the 12 core functions.
  • Pass the Texas written Chemical Dependency Counselor Examination.
  • Pass the Texas oral Chemical Dependency Counselor Examination.
  • Provide two letters of reference from LCDC’s.
  • Present an acceptable case examination to the board.
  • You can find the application form for the LCDC title here.