Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

A Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) is an excellent degree to pursue in the field of human services. A Bachelor of Social Work degree is one of the most useful and flexible degrees one can get in the human services sector. Whether you plan on continuing education or joining the workforce right out of school, a BSW is great way to get started on your way to a career in Human Services.

Do you know your education options? Begin or continue a degree – AS, BS, MSW, MS, PhD, Cert. Online and campus locations. Know your degree choices!

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It is important to realize in these extremely competitive times that even entry-level positions are increasingly requiring a bachelor’s degree. In the past, a high school diploma could get you an interview with most social work agencies. However, as the population has become more educated and skilled, even entry-level positions are requiring a minimum of a bachelor’s degree.

With a bachelor’s degree in social work, you can get your foot in the door and start a career at the entry level and use experience in the field to earn promotions. There are many in management today who possess only a bachelor’s degree, but have worked their way up from an entry-level job to a managerial position through hard work. Getting your BSW is a critical first step if you want to begin a career in a social work field.

Consider studying another language while earning your bachelor’s

As demographics have shifted and immigration policies have changed, we have large populations in the United States for whom English is their first language. Due to this shift, if you really want your resume to stand out, it is wise to supplement your degree with fluency in a foreign language.

Depending on the region in which you plan to work, different languages are favored. However, learning Spanish is usually a safe bet due to the large Spanish-speaking population in the United States. This is especially true for entry-level social work careers as many agencies work directly with immigrant populations. Gaining fluency in a foreign language is extremely helpful if you plan to become an eligibility worker, as you will have direct contact with nonnative speakers. Many states offer a premium for bilingual workers. Other states simply require candidates to be bilingual to interview for a position.

With a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, you can qualify for some of the following jobs:

  • Behavioral Management Aide
  • Case Management Aide
  • Community Outreach Worker
  • Juvenile court Liaison
  • Probation officer
  • Rehabilitation Case Worker
  • Eligibility Worker
  • Human Services Specialist

Regardless of your future educational or career plans, it is a solid first step to get a Bachelor of Social Work as your first degree. Whether you want to enter the human services workforce right out of university or pursue advanced degrees such as a Master of Social Work or a Doctorate, a Bachelor of Social Work is a degree that gives you flexibility in both education and career. There is no time like the present to get started on your education by earning your Bachelor of Social Work degree.

As the Bachelor of Social Work falls under the umbrella of a behavioral science field of study, you can use it to apply for graduate programs in a variety of different fields. Once you have your BSW, you can then apply for a large number of graduate degrees in specialized fields including the following:

  • Master of Social Work – Learn about
  • Master of Psychology
  • Master in Childhood Development
  • Master in Counseling
  • Master of Sociology
  • Master of Gerontology